A Little Love From Home

Oh my gosh! Today was like Christmas.  We got a call that a package was down in the security guard room.  I knew it was coming, but wasn’t sure when it would get here.  The kids on the other hand, had no idea.  They were so excited and wanted to open it up downstairs.  I did make them wait, but they were not happy.

Here they are as we are opening the box.  Lily saw Hannah Montana and I thought she was going to pass out!

Riley thought the blinking spider was really cool.  I have to say that I have jumped a few times when I’ve seen it today on the floor.  I am scared to death to see one like the one we saw on youtube.  Thanks for adding that in Sean and Whit!  HAHA

They were thrilled with all the food that was in there!  The Cheerios will definetly be a must at breakfast tomorrow morning!  They dug into the fruit snacks immediately and then had me fix the mac and cheese.  I must admit, the mac and cheese was delicious!  We never made it to the store to get the can opener, but I know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow!  SKYLINE CHILI!  Yeah!  Thanks Joel and Melissa.

Riley was so excited about the honey to put on his peanut butter sandwich.   Thanks Bee Keeper Todd.

Lily couldn’t get enough of the Hannah Montana doll.  She undressed her and redressed her many times.  She loved the boots because they are just like her Hannah Montana boots.  Riley loved the little Cars garage.  He carried that everywhere.  Hannah even made an appearance at the garage this afternoon! HAHA  Until Riley took her and ran off and Lily screamed hysterically.  The best is Riley running around screaming “Ha Ha Ha Ha You can’t catch me!”  Boy does that fire Lily up!


Phil, Amy, Jacob, and Zoe thanks so much for taking the time to put together this wonderful package!  It was so thoughtful of you.  We will all thoroughly enjoy it!

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