The kids and I at dinner.  Check out the mirror above our heads. Yes, that is Ricky.  Awwww…now it’s a family picture!

They have KFC here, Kentucky Fried Chicken, but this is the knockoff.  KLG.  Cracks me up when I see it.

I finally got a pic of a dog on a scooter.  My goal is to get a family of four with a dog, but this will do for now.

A pet bunny in the park.  Yes, it is on a leash.

Lily doing the exercise machine.  It is for the adults while the kids play. 

Riley going down the slide at the park.

Lily showing off her photography skills at dinner.

 Riley throwing a fit in the lobby last night.  Why does he have to be so cute when he’s being bratty?  Love the outfit with the froggy rain boots! 

He was yelling at me to stop taking pictures! 

10 minutes later, happy as can be eating a waffle with honey.  Give the boy food, and he smiles!  I wonder where he gets that?!?

Lily at the breakfast place this morning.  She loves their chocolate toast and hash browns.

 Riley waiting patiently for his food.

He loves the cheese and egg wrap and hashbrowns too!  Love the expression on his face.  He talks with his eyebrows all the time.  So cute!

 Lily at school in her new dress the teachers bought her.  They also fixed her hair.  Too cute!

Here are the duck heads I was telling some of you about.  They appeared to be fried.  So gross!!!

Lily took this pic of Meggy Mommy and Mickey Mommy.

The Yellow Grocery Store

The yellow grocery store close to the apartment.

Market outside the yellow grocery store.  They have the best fruits and veggies!

The 7-11 across the street from the yellow grocery store.

A walk through the courtyard

Walking through the courtyard after our trip to the grocery store.

Taiwanese Meemaw

We found the Taiwanese version of Meemaw.  We are so getting one of these for Sugar and Lady!

The stare off!!!

Man fishing at the park.

Lily showing off her soccer skills.

Daddy and Lily hanging out.

Lily found this on our nature walk and was so upset that she couldn’t keep it.  It cracked me up!

2 Responses to “Taiwan Pictures”

  1. 1 Amy Figgins June 30, 2008 at 2:25 am

    Mmmmmm…fried duck head! Please bring some home with you. Do we get to eat the beak too?? MMMM…crunchy! Why don’t we have food like that in the states?

  2. 2 Donna July 3, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    ok, i am jealous, everything, except the duckheads, is beautiful. miss you guys so much. kids are growing way too fast! love you, nana

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