Archive for February, 2009

Happy Birthday Ricky!

Happy birthday Ricky!  34 years young today!!  I am so proud to  be your wife and am thrilled that you have chosen me to walk this journey with you.  I am inspired by your strength every day!  You are an incredible husband and father that always puts your family before yourself.  I love watching your enthusiasm for the Lord and how it has changed you.  I love you more today than I ever have!  Can you believe that now we have been together for half of our lives?!?   I can’t wait to see what the next 34 years holds for us…Love you always

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Chemo…Round 3!

Round 3 of chemo is set to start tonight.  Please pray for him to keep his appetite and have no nausea with this round!  Thank you for continuing to lift up Ricky and our family in prayer!  Love you all!!


I came across this video in my archives.  It is a little dark and was actually in a post from the very beginning of my blog.  However, when I watched it again, I knew I had to post it.  I just LOVE watching my baby praise our God.  His little hand raised in worship is just so full of  innocence and praise.  I’m sorry it’s a little dark.  We were in Taiwan and the lighting was horrible. Seriously, our God IS so amazing.   Hope you enjoy this short video… (You may need to turn up your volume)

Prayers Are Answered

Thank you all so much for your prayers!  Ricky’s MRI was clean and showed no regrowth.  His bloodwork also looked great.  We are so thankful and just praising God for his goodness.  He continues to bless our family even through the greatest of trials. 

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day friends!  We love each and every one of you and can’t even begin to tell you what you have meant to us on this journey.  May your day be filled with love and blessings.


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One Month To Live Challenge

One month to live.  What would you do?  How would you feel?  That is what we have been doing in church for the past five weeks and during our small group bible study.  I have to admit, this was extremely difficult for me to think about.  Who wants to think about death?  That was my first response.  But the deeper we got into the study, the more I realized, this isn’t about death.  It’s about living!

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Chemo Update…Round 2

Well, I am so glad that round 2 of chemo is over.  It was ugly.  The last two days  were awful.  Ricky felt so bad.  He had a queasy feeling all week but made it through to Friday.  He napped his usual two to three hours every day.  Friday morning he woke up and came down to eat breakfast.  After he finished he immediately felt sick.  He went to bed and stayed there until 6 that night.  He just felt awful.  It broke my heart because there was nothing that I could do! I prayed over him so many times he was sick of seeing me =)   He eventually did get up and said he wanted a big hamburger.  So I went to Chili’s and got him one.  He ate the whole thing and felt ok.  Totally off of the food plan, but I figure you gotta eat what you can and when you can!

Saturday morning he woke up and said he wanted pancakes.  I made him some whole wheat pancakes that he loves, and halfway through the same feeling hit.  So he spent yesterday the same way he spent Friday.  I just pray that he wakes up today refreshed and feeling great! 

I have to say that the chemo is a lot tougher than we expected.  We thought he would sail through just like he did the radiation.  Not so much!  The fatigue is never ending and the nausea made him miserable.  It was a tough week for us since the kids were off school four days due to ice and snow.  Momma is tired!!!  Trying to keep everyone happy this week was not easy.  Quiet kids and a sick and tired hubby do NOT go together.  However, we made it through by the grace of God!

Please pray that the sickness will be gone today!  Please pray that the fatigue lets up and does not get any worse.  Please continue to pray for complete healing!

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